Booking Conditions / GTC

Visitor's tax

(from 15 years) plus 2,60 € per day


Info Super Summer Card

Adults: €6.00 per day
Children (Year of birth 2008-2016): €3.00 per day

Children till Year of birth 2017 free



Dear guests,
here you can check the availability of the apartments:



Conditions and terms Haus Enzian

Conditions and terms Haus Enzian GmbH - Hangl Family in 6534 Serfaus/Tyrol/Austria

The terms of contract for hotel contracts between the harborer - Haus Enzian GmbH  in 6534 Serfaus/Tyrol - and their guests is based on the .

By sending the reservation request you agree to the conditions and terms of the Hangl Family - Haus Enzian GmbH.


For more information, please contact the European Travel Insurance. We recommend taking out travel insurance!